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New Orleans, Louisiana recent comments:

  • Camp Leroy Johnson, Linda Williamson (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    My dad was stationed there the same time as you we also were stationed at Ft Eustis he was sgt Gerald l Dunn he was with Special Services at Leroy Johnson! He passed away in 2005. I remember fondly our stay in New Orleans
  • Former Site of Aurora Gardens Academy, James Reeves (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    I attended AGA from 1970-77 when I moved on to Jesuit. I visited the Chalmette Battlefield for the bicentennial of the Battle of New Orleans and told the park rangers that I had gone to grade school where the westbank part of the battle has taken place- which was a resounding British victory by the way. They were astounded because by that time any traces were long gone. I had to show them on a map where AGA was located so that they could picture where the fortifications were. I have wonderful memories of that place.
  • Former Site of Aurora Gardens Academy, Norville Rogers (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    I attended AGA from 1968-1975 for K-6th. The education could be quite strict by today's standards, and I do remember Miss Viola Walton as being particularly strict. I do remember being shaken vigorously in my desk a number of times, for misbehavior. I also remember diagraming sentences in kindergarten, and learning phonetics through the use of Carden "controls", deconstructing a word into basic phonic parts, using diacritical marks. This early education effectively shaped my brain. I sometimes think my own children might benefit by some of the educational approaches used in the old days. When I first began, there was a dress code but not a uniform. While I was there a school uniform was instituted, dark slacks and white shirt, don't remember a tie. I do seem to remember the red sweaters... Eye tests in the library. Hardy boys. Field trips to the planetarium. Evel Knievel lunch box.
  • Chateau Hotel New Orleans, Jeff Z (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    New Location 529 Bienville St, New Orleans, LA 70130
  • Camp Leroy Johnson, howie pine (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Howie Pine Was there in 62 and 63 119 T co. Ist shore platoon 2nd sec. Did field excercises in Pt. St. Joe Also. Also went to FLa for the missle crisis. Seperated Nov 20, two days before Kennedy was shot.
  • Camp Leroy Johnson, Dave (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Dave Lambie, I was stationed there from 1962-1963 Headquarters Co. identification section! Remember Bay of pigs we convoyed to Port St. Joe, Florida waiting out, remember?
  • Bourbon Street, Brian Jordan wrote 8 years ago:
    as in "Woohoo, watch your wallet"
  • Pumping Station, Louis Orleans (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
  • McDonough 38 School (closed), L. Duve (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    I was a student here many moons ago (1968-1972) Returned to N.O. for a family reunion and went back to the school site. It was still in decent shape. Thought it would last a bit longer but upon my last visit in 2010, it was on the verge of dilapidation. Wish I could get in touch with some old friends. Que sera . . .
  • Camp Leroy Johnson, Robin Davenport (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Do you remember most of the Soiders that were there in 64 maybe from Denver
  • Camp Leroy Johnson, Stephen L (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Here's my bit on the passing of Camp Leroy Johnson. I went to college at LSUNO (now UNO) in the late 60's and early 70's. LSUNO took possession of the western half of Leroy Johnson when it was decommissioned. The east LSUNO also had about half of the eastern half of Leroy Johnson which they called their East Campus. The most eastern portion (about 1/4 of the original Camp Leroy Johnson) was gifted to a nonprofit organization called Gulf South Research Institute (GSRI). I worked there with labs in several of the old barracks which still stood in the mid 1970's. Most all of the barracks there had been torn down and burned because they were infested with Formosian Termites. In the late 1980's GSRI folded. Over the next few years I believe Southern University, who had a campus just across Leroy Johnson Blvd from the base, purchased or was gifted most of the property that was owned by GSRI. The eastern half of the original Camp Leroy Johnson is now occupied by UNO and SUNO with bits and pieces owned by the FBI and the Naval Reserves. Nothing remains of Camp Leroy Johnson except the smokestack that remains as a monument to the past on the main UNO campus.
  • Camp Leroy Johnson, Lee Goode Jr wrote 9 years ago:
    Both of my sister's were born there 1960 & 1963
  • Lower Ninth Ward, Gabe1972 wrote 9 years ago:
    Bob, I guess that makes anyone who lives anywhere that has a natural disaster happen is an idiot. I guess that means all of the people who live in tornado alley are idiots. All of the people that live in the areas that are being flooded right now Louisiana (8/15/2016) are idiots. I guess all of the people that got bombarded with snow in Buffalo two years ago are idiots. I guess all of the people in California that are losing their homes to wildfires are idiots. Give me a break. The people are low income and live where they can afford. A natural disaster occurred that overran what the levees and pumps could handle. I suppose if you lived anywhere and got hit by a meteorite you'd be an idiot for living in the universe. Give me a break.
  • Camp Leroy Johnson, Donna Herron wrote 9 years ago:
    I was born there in 1960, my father was stationed there as well. Dad retired in 1963 and we moved from there to WA state. Been here ever since
  • Camp Leroy Johnson, Ron McDonald wrote 9 years ago:
    I was stationed there from May 1962 to June 1964, when it was closed. I then spent my remaning tme at Frt Eusiis, Va. I was the Company Clerk for the 71st Transportation company, 394th Transportation Battalion.
  • Camp Leroy Johnson, kathy (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I was born there in 1963, my father was stationed there.
  • Former Site of Aurora Gardens Academy, Mimi (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I knew your uncle as a student there. He was a kind gentle human being with a wonderful sense of ethic and moral. I heard about this tragedy and know this had to be a pure and simple accident.
  • Former Site of Aurora Gardens Academy, Mike Fisher (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I attended from K through 4th grade in the early 60's. I remember Mr Walton as band director...I also remember Ms. Viola Walton..She was pretty strict. I remember the Scullins and also Mrs. Dockum in the front office. I'm grateful for the strong curriculum and the Mae Carden learning system...My parents also sacrificed so I could go there, rather than a public school.
  • Duncan Plaza, High muckamuck (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    They sell wonderful provolone muffulettas here.
  • Landry's Seafood House, Doomsayer (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    It's so cool to finish one's ballet développés and come here to this estaminet for a spicy étouffé.